Solano County California, The Land of Fruit, Grain and Money. Issued by the Solano County Board of Supervisors in 1905. Nestled in the foothills of the Coast Range on its Western border, and extending across broad acres of the most fertile land in bounteous California, till its Eastern confines are marked by the majestic Sacramento River, lies Solano County..
Dixon May Day Parade - Grace Summers, Queen, Year 1910 - Western Grain
The Montezuma I and II project area lies in the western portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, for the most part in the area known as the Montezuma Hills. The principal purpose of this research effort has been to provide PG E with information which would have allowed the company to complete requirements for Application For Certification to the California Energy Commission. The cultural resources investigation is considered part of the broad environmental review process necessary under CEC guidelines..
Your Introduction to Solano County, CA. A County whose history is shot through with the golden lore of a Golden State, whose cities fought to become that State's capital in its swashbuckling days. A County of breathlessly beautiful scenery and gigantic industrial plants, miles of orchards and countless acres of grain. Great herds of livestock and quay walls of mighty warships, prairie lands that became vast natural gas producing fields, a County of lakes and bays and sloughs and channels, picturesque valleys and rolling hills that is Solano County, America's Little California..