Manka's Corner - Jones Bar
Jones bar. Mankas corner 1942?
Manka's Corner-1973
Billy Jones, Barney Reams and Sharon by the pump; Manka's Corner
Reams home at Manka's Corner
George Wagoner whose father John owned Manka's Corner at one time. See also WY-116
Baptist Church near Manka's Corner
Suisun Valley, California - Upper Suisun Valley School, North wast of Manka's Corner..
Interior of Saloon, Cordelia (Thompson's Corner Bar) L to R - 3. Albert Peters in front of barÿ ÿ4. Chris Dunbar in front of bar 5. "Pop" Force in front of bar, hand in ????. [...]
Pioneer Sam Scarlett and Augustus Burmeister Orchards just south of Manka's Corner with twin sisters Peaks in the background. Christley Manka conducted and named a wayside corner store here for the Berryessa Valley traffic prior to planting fruit trees..