Fruit Packing House. Thurbers??
Fruit packing house, Fairfield CA..
E. R. Thurber fruit drying yard
Fruit drying and packing houses of Frank Buck. Burned 1931. Was located on present (1984) Bucktown Lane. (Same as 0077)
Fruit packing and shipping - H. A. Basford..
Packing house, J. E. Sacket Ranch, year 1913
Old fruit wagon used for many years to haul packed fresh fruit from father Roger Hill Ranch to the Vacaville fruit sheds to be put on iced cars to East. - New York etc. Note: Rogers and Carle Loveland in Vacaville
Beside Pleasants Valley Road. Packing house of A. McKevitt. Shipping grapes to Chicago, November 8, 1886. [...]
Grandfather Davis built house in 1860 of brick he made homself at site of present Glashoff fruit stand. Damaged in 1892 earthquake. Made bricks for Elmira P. O..