Picture of drying prunes in 1916. Probably at Samuel's Ranch on Blue Mt..
Prune drying
Chubb Ranch on Vaca Valley Road. Prunes being dipped, then graded onto trays for drying..
Prune drying shed
Samuels Ranch
{Large Negative File) Lagoon Valley. Picture taken from back and south of swimming pool. The effect of prune blossoms. Portia Hill Ranch - Cooks place..
W. H. Samuels house on Blue Mt., March, 1916. House built 1883
Samuels family? on Blue Ridge
This pamphlet is published by the members of the American History Class of 1930-1931 of Vacaville Union High School as an effort to preserve a few of the facts and recollections of our pioneers, in order that they may not be entirely lost or forgotten. The class is deeply indebted to the following for their kind assistance in making this pamphlet possible: Mr. Ned Wolfskill, Mrs. Maria Dolores Lyon, Mr. [...]