WW-I Bond Rally, 1918, Red Cross Volunteers. Back- L to R - Lorena Evans, Cecelia Clark, Sadie Cowan, Grace Cowan. Front - Uriel Rutherford, Agnes Johnson, Dulcie Hargis, Pearl Evins. Rally raised $7,772.50
Victory rally in front of Vacaville Theater
Mrs. Agnes Eddy. Evelyn Hargis Getreu Collection, 510-18. March 30, 1978
Red Cross ladies in a parade in front of the old Vacaville town hall
Red Cross hut
Back of Vacaville High School - Herry Hargis
Back of card. Teacher Nanny Fitch 1895. Lower left: Edna Pearl, Middle: Lambert, Right: Mamie Fitch, Sadie Fitch John
Vacaville Junior Red Cross names of students in photo 2286
Vacaville Junior Red Cross
VHS Junior Red Cross