Cordelia - Thompsons Corner showing front door..
Upper front door of Uhl house
Cordelia - Thompsons Corner, side view with trucks and cars..
Green Valley School at Cordelia showing children lined up on the west side..
Front view of WY121 showing tractor
Interior of Saloon, Cordelia (Thompson's Corner Bar) L to R - 3. Albert Peters in front of barÿ ÿ4. Chris Dunbar in front of bar 5. "Pop" Force in front of bar, hand in ????. [...]
Cordelia - White building in center is Studer's Casino, later Thompsons Corner..
Old Vacaville High School gymnasium post card. Shows front and east end. 1925
School - Green Valley, Cordelia (Taken at southeast corner)
Cordelia Hotel front view with people on porch