A pretty Home, Suisun, Ca
Post Card. View of the Pierce home in Suisun Valley, California..
Lewis Pierce home, Suisun Valley
Suisun - New home of Wednesday Club of Suisun, dedicated March 3, 1926
Laura and Edward Whitby home in Suisun, CA
Pierce Home, Suisun Valley, Rockville Road. View of west side - two ladies on front porch. (Large Glass Plate 5 x 7) WY126 = See also 2358 and 2358H
Suisun-California Street, looking west from Main Street on end of first block. Armijo Club in foreground (right). First home on right ??; second home-Goodmans; third-Buzzini with cupola..
A. T, Hatch home in Suisun Valley. It became the property of R. D. [...]
Suisun City, California Welcome Home arch to the veterans of the Spanish American War. The arch was set on south end of Suisun Plaza..
Palatial home of Lewis Pierce, the pioneer. His so, the late Judge William Pierce inherited the home and named it Willotta in 1900. It stood just south of the Rockville Road at Suisun Creek in what is now "Willotta Oaks."