Parade on Main Street in front of Masonic Temple. Russell Chandler, Mames McCrory- Marshalls
Davis Opera House; Masonic Lodge; Chandler Furniture Store at Main and Davis Street, Vacaville, CA
North Main Street. Geo. P. Akerly's new store housed in the Masonic Building. [...]
Salem Cheurch, 1915 (six figures) Back-L/R: 1. Harriett Chandler, 2. Marian (White) Chandler, 3. Dorothy Chandler, 4. [...]
Names continued. Front: Russell Chandler (1891), Rosalia Chandler (1890) mis-spelled as 'Rosalie' on 1536
Reporter article: Lllyod Chandler watching awning come down in front of old Chandler's store on Main Street
Jessie McCrory Chandler
John Rico Fiesta Day Parade Marshall 5/27/72
Vacaville Y. W. B. A [...]
McCrory clan in front, Mr. and Mrs. James McCrory