Abraham Clark's daughter, Amanda Jane Clark. (Married to John Anderson)
Abraham Clark house. Burned in 1926
Abraham Clark; originally homesteaded Berryessa Valley. See also 0246 and o247 - Picture of house..
Abraham Clark house, burned in 1926. Mother Davis born here in 1902. House had 22 rooms. Located at "Adobe Ranch." I was there at age six-months when it burned..
Amanda E. Samuels, married Simeon Wiley March 1, 1871. Amanda Samuels and her mother. Her mother is Mary M. [...]
Abraham and Electa Jane (Snyder)
Eva Jane Stewart, born 1876, married 1896, Rio Vista, Ca..
Barney Reams in front of the service station at Manka's Corner - Year 1940 Born 10/23/1873 - Died 9/19/1958. Married June Moody and had 4 children, Dorothy, Jane, Glenn and Elsie..
Mrs. John Rice and daughter, residents of Dixon
John Robert McCrory and daughter Helen on McCrory ranch near Elmira