Old photo in front of saloon - Sign with "Beer 5 cents"
Old Bakery and saloon - Suisun, CA
Vacaville Baseball team in front of Bennett Saloon
Front view after Suisun, California fire - Theater sign has fallen..
Cordelia - Interior of saloon - L to R: 1.??, 2.??, 3. Albert Peter in front of bar, 4. Chris Dunker, 5. Pop Force, 6. [...]
Interior of Saloon, Cordelia (Thompson's Corner Bar) L to R - 3. Albert Peters in front of barÿ ÿ4. Chris Dunbar in front of bar 5. "Pop" Force in front of bar, hand in ????. [...]
Gonsalves Saloon (inside) was possibly located where Alberto's Restaurant is today on Main St. Joe Gonsalves behind bar with moustache and Joe Jr in front with arms folded. Ca 1913-1914
Old photo of man