Pacific Center for Naval Repair and Construction, Vallejo CA. - To the men and women who have served our country in this fighting line, and in the production line. We dedicate this pictorial history of Mare Island, Strategic Pacific Center for Naval Ship Construction and Repair. The assistance of the Public Information Office at Mare Island, in supplying much informational material and many pictures for this book, is gratefully acknowledged. [...]
Vallejo - 8 x 10 glass plate. Large YMCA building. Parade-horse drawn float in front. Float is a small ship, "USS Cooper."
December 1987 edition of the Solano Historian Magazine. This issue contains the following articles: The California Pacific Railroad by Thomas Lucy, From Ranch to Winslow Terrace - Recollections of an early Vallejo by Gertrude Winslow Hudson, Oar Power and Sail - A Brief History of the Vallejo Yacht Club by C. Thomas Hosley, USS Constitution Visits Vallejo - Mare Island by Sue Lemmon, The Trials of Captain Waterman by Matthew Fountain, and a welcome message by Sue Lemmon, SCHS President..