{Large Negative File) East Hills of Lagoon Valley above Pena Adobe
{Large Negative File) Vaca Valley. View looking north across Tate Hill..
{Large Negative File) Vaca Valley, looking north across Tate Hill..
{Large Negative File) Zimmerman home - Vaca Valley 1889-1890 Taken from Pleasant's Valley Road looking east. Home place on hill..
Nelson Hill looking east
{Large Negative File) Lagoon Valley. Picture taken from back and south of swimming pool. The effect of prune blossoms. Portia Hill Ranch - Cooks place..
Mrs. E. P. Buckingham Ranch in Lagoon Valley as seen from hills west of valley [...]
Rock carving on top of Pena Hill east of the Pena Adobe. What F1 stands for is unknown. (no negative) see RR0028 and RR0068a,b..
Pena graves-New grave site on hill top east of Pena Adobe. It contains the bones excavated from the Pena private butial grounds on Steinmetz Hill. The hill was changed for the new overpass on Interstate 80..
{Large Negative File) Vaca Valley. "Wash your windshield" sign at base of Tate's Hill