Mac Brazelton and Lawrence Killingsworth at Buckingham Pt., Clear Lake
Lawrence Killingsworth at Clear Lake
Mac Brazelton and Whit Church at Buckingham Pt., Clear Lake
My dad with 10 others and chaperone (Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Platt). Mac Brazelton in boat at Independence Lake
Mac Brazelton's bedroom, sleeping Mac
One of two locomotives owned by the Vaca Valley and Clear Lake Railroad. Leaving barn..
Dobbins Rd. Mac Brazelton in middle. L-R Rolla Gray, Mac Brazelton, Raines Miller
Independence Lake. 6 people before cabin cabin, mock wedding-shotgun style. George Akerly, unknown, seated Ralph Platt, Nona Platt, on porch Mac Brazelton
Gene Brazelton's father - Mac Bazelton - (see also 657)
L to R - Howdy Rogers - John Knight Brazelton - Mac Brazelton - Monty Gates - Nate Rogers. Taken on Brazelton Ranch in 1928