Misao (right) and Manabu (left) Hatanaka in temple court yard. Temple front stairs in background..
Manabu Hatanaka at foot of temple stairs..
Manabu Hatanaka. Church court yard..
Shigeki Hatanaka in fron of temple court yard. Ulatis Housing units in background. (Dobbins Street)
Yasuko Hatanaka in court yard, south side of temple..
Akiko Hatanaka in court yard of church. South side of temple and front steps. Temple burned after Thankgiving in 1951..
Misao and Manabu Hataÿanÿ.ÿChurch court yard, Vacaville, 1950
Harumi Hatanaka in court yard, south side of temple. Units across Dobbins Street..
Boy Scout Shigeki Hatanaka and holdup man Manabu in front of temple..
Moichi Hatakana in church court yard. South side of temple in background..